Saturday, November 8, 2008

Our new President-elect makes no bones about his plan to socialize our country:


CHICAGO – Inheriting an economy in peril, President-elect Barack Obama yesterday warned that the nation faces the challenge of a lifetime and pledged he would act urgently to help Americans devastated by lost jobs, disappearing savings and homes seized in foreclosure.

His promises sound good, superficially, but his focus does not appear to be on stimulating the economy; rather it is on equalizing the economy, helping (giving federal aid to) the "disadvantaged". Where will the "help" come from? It will be taken from the ones who worked for it and given to the ones who did not. And to those who could not largely because of his own (Obama's) incompetence in dealing with matters of national finance (reference his deep involvement in the Fanny Mae fiasco that was instrumental in causing the loss of jobs and savings and homes).

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