Thursday, September 18, 2008

Nose-Diving Economy

What is happening to our economy in the last few days? Look at this from the San Diego Union Tribune:

The financial crisis entered a potentially dangerous new phase yesterday when many credit markets stopped working normally as investors around the world frantically moved their money into the safest investments, such as Treasury bills.

As a result, the cost of borrowing soared for many companies, while the stocks of Wall Street firms such as Goldman Sachs and Morgan Stanley – which only a couple of weeks ago were considered relatively strong – came under assault by waves of selling.

Investors were so worried that they snapped up three-month Treasury bills with virtually no yield, and they pushed gold to its biggest one-day gain in nine years. Major stock indexes fell more than 4 percent.

The stunning flight to safety, away from other kinds of debt as well as stocks, could cause serious damage to an already weakened economy by making it more expensive for businesses to finance their day-to-day operations.
When supposedly stable Fortune 500 companies are struggling, what does it mean for the rest of us? It means we need to pick ourselves up by the bootstraps, take a deep breath, and throw out hat in the ring with determination to be a part of the recovery, not the gang's rush to the door!

I've experienced a surge in hits to my Show Me The Money Bus Tour site at the same time the economy is diving. What does that tell you? It tells you that now is the time to get involved!

I'll give you two reasons:

1) With the rush to the door, many are finding that "the door" is a home-based business for supplemental income

2) The Show Me The Money Bus Tour is picking up steam. As I mentioned in my last post here, Ken Rolfsness and his advertizing team (including multi-millionaire advertizing expert Norm Alvis) are amping up the ad campaign and are poised for a wave of new business owners to join the team. Norm Alvis anticipates the numbers could be in the millions! The earlier you get involved, the more of those business owners will be part of your team!

Tuesday, September 16, 2008

Show ME The Money Bus Tour - Update

Here's an excerpt from a communication by Ken Rolfsness concerning the progress of the Show ME The Money Bus Tour:

We have nearly tripled the ads and have started radio ads, newspaper ads, and have a HUGE ad in the #1 Network Marketing lifestyle Magazine. (Coming out today, the 15th of Sept.) Great news! We are already having people calling within the first hour of its release with positive responses to this ad. New TV ads are currently being created and should be available soon. As soon as we get it, we will begin testing it.

In the meantime, the bus will travel to the Hilton in Orange County/Costa Mesa for Friday Sept. 19th at 7pm. Mr. Danny Glover will be there. We then head to Sacramento on the 27th of September and San Francisco Area on October 4th, by then the new ads will be fully in place. Then we will continue to test, test and re-test the radio and TV ads to make sure that they are going to pull as needed.

It's picking up steam and promises to make a lot of people very wealthly! Get on the bus!

Friday, September 12, 2008

What Alaskans Think of Sarah Palin

The following is something of a change of pace for this blog, but I can't help but post this e-mail I received. It's written by Butch King, owner of the Wildman Lake Lodge who has had close ties to the Alaskan legislature for around 30 years. He and his wife know Alaska politics.

Here is what Alaskans think of Sarah Palin:

Fishing is good here at Wildman and I rarely have time for politics, but many of our friends are asking us 'Who is Sarah Palin?' Of course, as Alaskans, Kathy and I are extremely proud of her. We just want to let you know that Sarah 'Barracuda' Palin is a straight shooting, hard charging, get it done gal. She knows when to listen, how to analyze the facts and how to make a decision, then implement the plan. She doesn't do a poll before jumping in with both feet like too many of the Washington types. She has little legislative experience because she has always held the EXECUTIVE position; in private life, as mayor of Anchorage 's largest bedroom community or more recently as Governor of our State. She is a smart, attractive home grown Alaska girl with excellent moral and family values. She can see what needs to be done and does not hesitate to get it done.

One of our State's major problems is that its Capital is in Juneau , 500 miles from the nearest road and 800 air miles from the population base which is Anchorage, Wasilla and Fairbanks. Our legislature and most of the State government is in Juneau and they ALL behave like a bunch of freshmen in a college town. It has been this way since Statehood in 1959. When Sarah moved to Juneau, so did accountability and responsibility. When the oil revenue started flowing and a barrel of North Slope Crude hit $23.00, these people began spending money like drunken sailors. You can only imagine what was happening when oil hit $100.00 a barrel, about the time Sarah took command. My wife Kathy has first-hand experience with this fiasco, as her father and also her ex-husband were Alaska Legislators who served in Juneau as Senators, Senate President, or members of the State House for a combined period spanning nearly three decades.

About the time Sarah took the HELM as Governor of Alaska, about half of the State legislature was in the pocket of big oil companies or contractors doing big projects for Native Corporations around Alaska , all funded by State oil revenue. Alaska government was nothing but a good old boys club riding the perpetual wave of prosperity. This filtered down from the legislature, through the Department of Natural Resources, Department of Labor and even spilled in to the Public Safety who are supposed to 'preserve and protect'.

When Sarah walked into the Governor's Mansion, she promptly dismissed the State Trooper detachment assigned to Governor and had her and her husband's gun case brought in from Wasilla. Then, she got rid of the former Governor's STATE Jet and told legislators that there were no more free rides, they would have to fly Alaska Airlines, just like her and her family if they wanted to travel. Next came the nut cutting (the Barracuda part) the heads that rolled were too numerous to name, but when Sarah finished cleaning house, a number of our legislators ended up in jail for on corruption charges, or tendered their resignations along with numerous department heads and those who have been riding the gravy train for way too long, AND THEN SHE HAD LUNCH. By the end of the day, Sarah Palin had saved the people of Alaska millions and has not yet slowed down.

She has truly brought CHANGE to Juneau . I personally know several persons in the private sector in Alaska , that hold her in high esteem. She surrounds herself with smart people, many from my hometown of Anchorage, she listens to them but makes her own decisions. Sarah Palin is a no B.S. politician. It is refreshing that there is such a thing anymore. You want to talk about CHANGE? You should see a before and after picture of the State government in Alaska . That's CHANGE! Sarah will bring a number of things to the election. I am sure she will appeal many voters who my otherwise could have gone the other direction on election day. The conservative block will not be for Barack. We have their vote. We need what Sarah will bring, first to the election and second, what she will bring to Washington D.C. McCain has been advised well, Let's just hope the American people can get the straight scoop on her in the weeks ahead. This is just the opinion of one Alaska Bush Pilot and Guide, who pays attention to national politics, watches the news and is deathly afraid of the direction our nation is headed. I guarantee that if Sarah gets a chance to dig her spurs into the flanks of the liberal Washington types, they will know that she is in the saddle.

Butch King


Butch & Kathy King


Wildman Lake Lodge

Sunday, September 7, 2008

Jack Zufelt's "DNA of Success"

Does this sound familiar?

"How many times have you tried a product, plan, program or prescribed remedy for a period of time without experiencing the success promised? When we don't achieve the promised success, we often begin to doubt ourselves. We think we don't have what it takes, that there is something wrong with us. Worse yet, we may see ourselves as failures.

"Then what do we do? Far too often we jump back in and reapply ourselves to the same techniques that failed us before - only this time we 'try harder.' We keep repeating this cycle. We remain stuck in a continuous, self-defeating cycle of effort, then failure, because we embrace a paradigm of success that simply doesn't work." (Jack Zufelt, The DNA of Success p 14)

Sign up for the Show Me The Money Bus Tour and you can get a FREE copy of Jack's best-selling book and learn for yourself how to overcome that roadblock.

Check out for more information about the tour...

Friday, September 5, 2008

San Diego Show Me The Money Bus Tour

The Show ME The Money Bus Tour is in San Diego TONIGHT! Log on to to sign up right now. You'll meet Danny Glover, Jack Zufelt, Ken Rolfsness and the whole Show ME The Money team as they explain how you can profit from the Tour.

Monday, September 1, 2008

Show Me The Money Bus Tour - San Diego Conference

The location has been set for the San Diego stop of the Show Me The Money Bus Tour. Click here to register for this signature event featuring Actor Danny Glover, marketing mega-star Jack Zufelt, Show Me The Money system creator Ken Rolfsness, and more. The event will be held at the Westin Gaslamp Quarter in Downtown San Diego this weekend, September 5 and 6. See the map below for directions and be sure to visit for times and registration.

View Larger Map

If you have questions about what this tour is all about, feel free to call me, Wayne Hamrick, at 1-800-708-0069 or you can log on to to learn more.