Hello World!
The purpose of this blog is to share some things with you that could potentially change your financial future. Whether you're currently a novice marketer or an experienced money-maker, I'm sure the things I have to share will be of interest to you.
I'll be posting some Internet advertising methods that hopefully will help your promotion efforts.
Today I'm going to concentrate on Safelists and why they no longer work.
A Safelist is a group of people who agree to receive emails from each other. They do this in order to get their opportunity out to others.
At the beginning this was a pretty good idea as there weren't that many people subscribed to each list so the number of emails they received was minimal.
That made it so that reading each one was not a problem.
Today, things are much different. The Safelists have become so large, as you may have found out for yourself, that joining one leaves you open to receiving hundreds if not thousands of emails from each list.
The impossibility of reading all those emails necessitates setting up filters to automatically trash the incoming mail from these lists.
The end result: They never even see your ad, much less read it.
Here’s your alternative: www.maxearnings.net
I have learned so much from this site that my on line marketing efforts are finally producing the kind of results I thought I would get when I first started posting my FREE Classifieds, FFA's and joining one Safelist after another.
You will find things that will surprise you.
Sound too good to be true? Really, that's up to you. The only promise I'm going to make you is this: If you follow the principals of what this site teaches you will see a substantial improvement in your on line selling.
If you've not had success up until now then you at least owe it to yourself to check out what this site has to say. Worst case scenario is you come away from the site feeling like you've wasted 10 minutes of your time.
But you may just feel like you've come away from it with the tools you need to finally make an honest living on the Internet.
Again, if you have any questions at all you can email me or call me at home. I'd love to talk to you and tell you how my life has changed because I finally know what works and what doesn't. You can also be my guest in one of the daily training sessions. Just give me a call and I'll give you the link and password.
Until next time, good luck with your on line sales.
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